Thursday, May 10, 2007

Great new Recruiter Technology Up and Running

Jobresponder, the advertising response management and screening tool that I have mentioned on occasion in my other posts is now fully up and running and has been launched!

There has been a great buzz around it and lots of traffic, press released it and I have decided to include the same press release on my blog as well. Here it is:
(I will continue with my discussion on Recruiter Resilience in my next post)

Taking the anxiety out of screening and response management

An online system that can handle recruitment advertising response and screening for any organisation worldwide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week has recently been launched at .The Jobresponder system has been designed to fully automate the job advertising response and screening function.

“We realised that companies tie up extensive resources and funds to manage the responses to and screening of their job advertisements”, says Mr Angelo Pereira, of Jobresponder. “This motivated us to develop a user friendly, step by step system which frees resources such as staff and communication lines and greatly reduces the costs usually involved in the ad response function.”The innovative system is equally efficient and effective for small, medium and large companies or agencies that are involved in recruitment in any form.

The process begins by entering the advertisement details, as they will appear in the media (electronic, print or any other media form), and setting up the simple screening criteria questions. The advertising company receives a unique reference number, which is added to the relevant advertisement along with the web address. Applicants can then easily enter the system by using the reference number and the response process kicks into action as the system automatically matches applicant’s details to the pre-determined criteria.

Respondents who do not match the inherent, or “must haves” as they are more commonly referred to, requirements, are automatically informed or negated by the system. This ensures that respondents are not kept in the dark for excessive time and also ensures that the process does not become clogged.

Relevant applicants on the other hand are forwarded to the next stage for short-listing. “Nice to have “ questions relating to skills which are not essential for the position but which make the applicant a closer match, lead to a ranking of respondents to assist in the compilation of the final short-list.

Successful respondents fill in a simple, standard resume that is stored and made available for viewing in the advertiser’s own password protected response page. The rankings and other response statistics are also provided. The advertiser can - at his/her own pace - print or download the information for evaluation and compile a shortlist using the shortlist click function.
“It is a scenario where the fully automated system carries out all the so-called leg work,” says Pereira,” while the advertising company keeps the control and decision making; managing the response and screening process in a time effective manner.”

Advertisers can also decide on whom to negate from those who were successful in the initial response process but who on further study do not make the short-list. Clicking on the negate button will automatically send an e-mail to the relevant respondent at his or her personal e-mail address, informing the applicant that his application has been unsuccessful in this instance.
The system is in itself unbiased and non-discriminatory as it poses the same questions to each respondent and, as it is automated, it is unable to discriminate thus complying with labour legislations.

Jobresponder offers a free trial of the system, which is easily obtained by simply signing up for their informative newsletter.
“Jobresponder has received very positive feedback and results and we believe it will soon become widely used throughout the recruiting arena worldwide” says Pereira.

Visit www.jobresponder.comfor more information on this unique system.

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